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Healthcare Logo
Canopy’s experience with the healthcare industry shows us that these organizations face many unique challenges such as adverse patient events, trauma in the workplace, compassion fatigue, and a diverse workforce.

Health Care Providers EAP

Canopy’s experience with the healthcare industry shows us that these organizations face many unique challenges such as adverse patient events, trauma in the workplace, compassion fatigue, and a diverse workforce. Canopy’s Health Care Providers EAP provides solutions to the needs of the healthcare industry, with services such as:

• Customizable Programs
• Enhanced Physician Assistance Program
• Stigma Reducing Services
• Compassion Fatigue Services
• Caregiver Support
• Dedicated Web Portal Content
• Self-use Therapy App with Behavioral Health Risk Assessment

Support for Healthcare Professionals

Stress, exhaustion, trauma, uncertainty, and concern for the well-being of yourself and your family are part of your daily experience. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.More Info