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Live & Manage Well Blog

Sourcing Joy for Enhanced Wellbeing

Life is full of highs and lows, and there is no avoiding adversity as part of the human experience. However, we can control how we perceive and react to the world around us. There are many tools to help us stay resilient. One of those tools is sourcing our own joy. Intentionally seeking out positive experiences helps us move through difficult moments with more balance. The following lifestyle practices can assist with adding more joy to your life. Mindfulness ...More Info

Effective Stress Management for Enhanced Health and Wellbeing

Stress is unavoidable but can be managed. Work, personal relationships, and daily responsibilities can often feel overwhelming. However, learning how to manage stress is crucial for maintaining both mental and physical health. Here are a few simple but effective strategies for managing stress: Practice Mindfulness and/or Meditation Mindfulness is a practice of staying present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings without judgment. ...More Info

Proactive Planning for Substance Misuse in the Workplace

The workplace serves as a crucial setting for addressing substance misuse. It is imperative to provide a structured environment which can counteract the shame and blame often associated with substance misuse. Whether it manifests through excessive drinking, misusing prescription medications, or engaging with illegal drugs, substance misuse can have devastating effects on both individual health and workplace dynamics. Most individuals are unlikely to jeopardize ...More Info

Helping Someone Who is Suicidal

If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance please call 800-433-2320. Our counselors are available 24/7/365 . Suicide can often take friends and family by surprise. However, in many cases, people give clues that they are thinking of taking their own life. If you are aware of these red flags, you could help the person seek help early and prevent the individual from going into crisis. Warning Signs of Suicide If you hear someone ...More Info

Creating Your Personal Foundation

There has been a growing interest in the topic of living a more purposeful life. You can find social media influencers, digital platforms, and even medical journals detailing the merits of seeking purpose for increased health and wellbeing. However, what if you don’t know what your purpose is, or how to find it? Personal growth is instrumental for living with more purpose. If you have been struggling to find your purpose, take a moment to pause and return ...More Info

Taking DEI to the Next Level of the Journey

Use It or Lose It

Recently, there have been several articles published proclaiming that DEI training is not effective and doesn’t make a difference in the workplace. Some articles even state that diversity training can backfire, eliciting defensiveness from the very people who might benefit most. And even when the training is beneficial, the effects may not last after the training ends. Unfortunately, these articles only tell part of the story. I agree that DEI training can be ...More Info

Positive Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Live Well Blog May 2024 There is no one reason anxiety has increased in the U.S. Complex experiences, brain chemistry, genetic predisposition, poor sleep, and other life stressors can increase symptoms of anxiety. Statistics indicate that about forty million adults in the U.S. will navigate anxiety at some point in their lives. Edmund Bourne, Ph.D., author of Coping with Anxiety, explains the distinction between fear and anxiety. While fear usually has a specific target—an imminent ...More Info

The Power of Social Connection for our Mental Health

The importance of social connection became a global topic when we navigated lockdown during the COVID pandemic. However, isolation and loneliness are not new mental health concerns. Gallup reports almost a quarter of the world feels lonely. Research shows that loneliness is associated with elevated risk for a wide range of physical and mental health conditions. In the workplace, loneliness often results in disengagement, lower productivity, and decreased performance. ...More Info

Mind Body Health

Holistic health is a philosophy which views the body as an integrated system, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Instead of merely addressing symptoms, a holistic approach aims to identify and treat the root causes of imbalances, promoting overall harmony. Nutrient-dense food Consuming a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients provides the body with the essential building blocks it needs to function optimally. Eating clean and nutrient-dense food ...More Info

Embracing Change for the New Year

Starting a new year can bring a sense of hope and possibility, even in a time of instability. The New Year is an invitation to embrace change, growth, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Meaningful change takes time, but becoming the best version of yourself is a journey to be embraced all year long. Reflection Before diving into the future, take a moment to reflect on the past year. What were your successes, challenges, and lessons learned? Reflecting ...More Info
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