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Depression Awareness

Depression More than 18 million people in the United States suffer from depression.

Emotional Symptoms Include:
–– extreme irritability
–– anxiety and restlessness
–– trouble with anger management
–– loss of interest in activities
–– fixation on the past or on things that have gone wrong
–– thoughts of death or suicide*

Physical Symptoms Include:
–– insomnia or oversleeping
–– debilitating fatigue
–– increased or decreased appetite
–– weight gain or loss
–– difficulty concentrating or making decisions
–– unexplained aches and pains

Think you or someone you love may be depressed? Take a free, confidential screening to find out more:

1. Go to
2. Click ‘Member Log–In'
3. Register as a new user and enter your company name
4. On the 'Home' page, click “ Assessments ” and “ Depression Screening ”

It's important that you talk to someone about it. You are not alone and depression is highly treatable .

*If you or a loved one have thoughts of death or suicide, please call the EAP at 1–800–433–2320. Counselors are available 24/7.