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Be a Quitter


No matter how old you are or how long you've smoked, quitting will help you live longer. Ex–smokers enjoy a higher quality of life with fewer illnesses from cold and flu viruses, better self–reported health, and reduced rates of bronchitis and pneumonia. Quitting smoking also decreases the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, heart attack, stroke, and chronic lung disease.

Why Quit?
1. Cost: Smoking is expensive. It isn't hard to figure out how much you spend on smoking: multiply how much money you spend on tobacco every day by 365 (days per year). You might be surprised by what you find!

2. Social Acceptance: Smoking is less socially acceptable now than it was in the past. Friends may ask you not to smoke in their homes or cars. Public buildings, concerts, and even sporting events are largely smoke–free.

3. Health of Others: Smoking not only harms your health but it hurts the health of those around you. Exposure to secondhand smoke includes exhaled smoke as well as smoke from burning cigarettes. Studies have shown that secondhand smoke causes thousands of deaths each year from lung cancer and heart disease in healthy non–smokers.

4. Setting an Example: If you have children, you probably want to set a good example for them. You can become a good role model for them by quitting now.

Timeline of Health Benefits after Quitting Smoking
• 20 Minutes: Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Drop
• After 45 Days: Nerves Start Re–growing, Smell/Taste Enhances
• After One Year: Risk of Heart Disease is Decreased by Half

Support and Information
If you want to quit smoking and need help, contact one of the following organizations on the left .