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Eating Healthy with the Season
The shorter days and colder weather tend to make us want to bundle up and treat ourselves with comfort foods which typically aren't the healthiest or lowest in calories. Staying on track through the chilly holiday season can be tough with fewer outdoor activities and all the celebrations where we are bombarded with calorie laden foods. Nonetheless, it is possible to continue eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, maintain a balanced diet, and make healthy choices through the colder, holiday months. With some planning ahead and willingness to try new things, you will be able to create many new mouth–watering options. Read ahead to find out what's in season and how you can eat healthy all year!

Easy Meals and Snacks
Baked Squash: You can make some inexpensive, delicious meals with all the winter squashes available including spaghetti squash, delicata, butternut, pumpkin, and acorn. Take the squash, cut it in half, place it skin side up on a baking sheet and roast for 20–40
minutes, depending on the size. Once it's done, cut up the squash to put in salads, pasta, rice dishes or eat it by itself with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Kids love the experience of cooking spaghetti squash and making their own healthy “pasta”.

Add Winter Fruits to Your Salad: Sliced apples, pomegranate seeds, and figs are perfect sweet additions to your salads. You can make a quick, sweet dressing with equal parts balsamic vinegar and maple syrup with two tablespoons of olive oil. Toss the ingredients in a jar and shake it up!

Create Your Own Soup: Soups and stews are inexpensive, easy and can be made in advanced. Freeze your creations for future meals or eat them throughout the week for lunch or dinner.

Roasted Vegetables: Warm up your house on a chilly evening with this tasty dish. Chop up any combination of potatoes, squash, onion and garlic. Toss with a bit of olive oil, chopped herbs, salt, and pepper. Roast and enjoy!

Make Your Own Salad: Salads never go out of season and you can find a variety of dark, leafy greens year round. Add canned beans, grated cheeses and nuts for crunch and added nutrients.

Did You Know?
You can find these two desserts at almost every Thanksgiving meal. Choose pumpkin pie if you have the option. A slice of ordinary pumpkin pie offers half the calories and more nutrients than pecan.

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