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How to Really Listen to Employees

How to Really Listen to Employees Can you tell when someone's listening intently? I can. They're actively engaged, making eye contact, and fully taking in my comments, not thinking about the next thing they're going to say. I know I'm being seen and heard, and the listener respects what I have to say. Employees want to experience the same thing – to be seen, heard, and recognized for their input. Recent  HBR research  demonstrates that experiencing high–quality listening can ...More Info

How to Boost Energy and Confidence at Work

Boost Energy and Confidence at Work A successful company depends on successful employees, and successful employees depend on successful engagement.  When an employee isn't engaged, they're minimizing their company's potential by not maximizing their own. When engagement is down, employers falsely jump to external solutions; social gatherings, swag bags, and office arcades are superficial bandages and not long–term solutions. This is where award–winning career coach, author, motivational speaker, ...More Info

Tried Everything and Still Over Scheduling? Try these Proven Time Management Tips

Tried Everything and Still Over Scheduling I've been known as a perpetual over–scheduler for much of my professional life. I'm not sharing this to gain your sympathy, or to impress you. I agree emphatically with  Brene Brown  who says we need to give up exhaustion as a status symbol. But even for the most mindful, doing less is easier said than done. Technology has made us available 24×7 and although every device still comes with an off button, many people find it hard to sign off at the ...More Info

Managing Means Continuous Learning

Management Means Continuous Learning Many first–time managers are thrown into their new roles with little or no preparation. If you're one of them, hopefully you thrive on developing others and leading a team. With minimal (to no) training and the desire to get good fast, you're probably looking for tips to help you improve your managerial skills. Even if you're a seasoned manager, there's always plenty to learn. Here are four of my all–time favorite books and articles, with practical advice for ...More Info

Anger - A Misunderstood Emotion

Anger is quite misunderstood. It's an emotion associated with those who have lost control. Those who are dangerous. Those who are irrational. And there are some legitimate reasons to think that. Those who can't control their anger do need to seek help in order to make managing anger better for them. With that said, some anger is good, and it's often misunderstood. Here's why.
Anger is not violence
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Introducing Equity into The Workplace

The opportunities afforded by an equitable workplace motivate employees to achieve, setting the stage for a dynamic, motivated company culture. It's no wonder why companies are chomping at the bit to roll out their equity programs, and employees are hungry for a culture shift. When implementing an equity program into the workplace, leadership can't just throw around trendy buzzwords and expect an overnight change. When introducing this topic, it must be done with ...More Info

5 Ways to Give your Team an Energy Boost

5 Ways to Give your Team an Energy Boost As we power through our day–to–day work, we can sometimes lose steam in the monotony or intensity of tasks. Even when teams are succeeding, it's nice to reward people with a little something extra. As leaders, it's important to remember to recognize our teams, not only for their productivity, but also to keep them engaged and keep morale up. What follows are five ways to give your team the energy boost they need today. Show Appreciation A recent study ...More Info

I Thought I Built a Great Culture, What Happened

I Thought I Built a Great Culture As an executive coach and HR professional I work with leaders every day who experience wins and losses, sometimes minutes apart. They face failures big and small, and the most confident have learned to reframe those failures as learning – fail fast, fail well – and move on. Stats vary, but current research shows that over 60% of new managers don't receive any training to prepare them for their new roles. Those same untrained managers become ...More Info

When Should You Invest in Management and Leadership Training

When Should You Invest in Management and Leadership Training Like a beloved schoolteacher, the memory of a great boss can stay with you for a lifetime. The way they motivated you, brought out the best of your talent and helped you reach your greatest potential. Alternately, you'll never forget the leader who prevented you from reaching your professional goals. Whether they lacked coaching skills to motivate you or neglected to offer constructive criticism to improve your performance, their behavior had a lasting impact ...More Info

Changing Your Company’s Culture for a More Inclusive Tomorrow

Diversity and Inclusion—two words you hear daily in the workplace. It's not unusual for companies to invest in expensive diversity training events and seminars. It's also not unusual for these efforts to yield little results and sometimes negative backlash. As a result, employees become increasingly frustrated with their corporate culture and, in some cases, end up leaving. A few things need to happen before appropriately launching a diversity program. As tempting ...More Info