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National Stroke Awareness

Assisted Living Locators
May is National Stroke Awareness Month In honor of National Stroke Awareness Month (May), Assisted Living Locators, your EAP Eldercare resource, wants to encourage you to share information and awareness about this important health–related issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, close to 800,000 strokes occur in the United States every year.

Just Remember to Act F.A.S.T.

Although stroke is such a prevalent health concern in the United States, many people do not realize the danger or know how to protect themselves or their loved ones. They don't know the warning signs or what to do. According to the American Stroke Association (ASA), 80 percent of strokes are preventable. And, when proper treatment is started within 90 minutes of the onset of symptoms, the chance for a full recovery greatly increases. The best acronym to remember when it comes to strokes is “F.A.S.T.”

These are the F.A.S.T. warning signs that every American should know and be able to act upon:

F – Face drooping
A – Arm weakness
S – Speech difficulty
T – Time to call 911

Care for Stroke Victims

A stroke can be an extremely challenging medical event to cope with and recover from; patients must simultaneously overcome physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. Regardless of the severity of your stroke, it is critical to take a proactive and informal approach to your post stroke care.

Assisted Living Locators offers a FREE service for seniors and their families to help you explore and understand elder care options. An Eldercare Advisor will meet with you and/or your family member for an in–depth assessment discussing your current situation and what is needed. They evaluate all aspects of care such as healthcare needs, social activities, memory care, location and financial features.

To access Assisted Living Locators service, please call Canopy at 800–433–2320.
Assisted Living Locators Assisted Living Locators are your local care advisors who help you learn about senior are options in your community. Their agents are experts in senior care options. Once you connect with the care advisor in your community they'll create a customized plan based on your needs. They will help you simplify your search, understand your options, compare costs and services and will provide unbiased, personal and expert guidance. Assisted Living Locators offers free support to Canopy EAP members.