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Goal Setting for Success

EAP Navigator


1. Write a detailed description of each goal –– the more detailed, the better.

2. Next to each goal, write the feeling you hope to get from reaching it.

3. Visualize yourself as if you already have attained the goal and are experiencing the feelings that go along with it.

4. Decide which tasks must be done and the tools and training you'll need to achieve them.

5. Don't discuss your goals with friends or family members who don't share your enthusiasm.

6. Accept encouragement from the people who teach you the new skills you need.

Attend March's Webinar:
Avoiding Job Burnout
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST

In this Webinar participants will learn the potential causes of job burnout and how to reduce their chances for burnout by better managing internal and external boundaries.

In addition, participants will be taught to recognize the warning signs and assess their level of job stress and burnout.

Job Burnout

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