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Canopy Live Well Blog

How to Build Confidence That Lasts - What You Need to Know

Why does it seem like some people are just full of confidence and others struggle to have any at all? We all have that one person we know that just radiates confidence. Envying them is easy. It's also easy to make excuses for ourselves and think that they just have confidence naturally and it's not possible for us to have the same. However, that statement is not true. The good news is you can have confidence, but you are going to have to work for it. The truth is anyone ...More Info

5 Podcasts About Women at Work to Change How You Show Up

Professional women and their male advocates are constantly looking for ways to increase gender equality and speak out against sexism at work. There's finally a lot being said on this topic, making it nearly impossible to keep up with the abundance of resources including books, articles, tweets, meet–ups, accelerator programs, and more.When you're impatient to learn and short on time, podcasts are an excellent and sometimes forgotten option. Whether you are listening ...More Info

Three Myths about High Achievers in the Workplace

Staff At Coffee Bar There are plenty of books out there for high achievers—usually prescribing morning routines, how many books you should be reading and other habits connected to success. But Maki Moussavi, author of “ The High Achiever’s Guide: Transform Your Success Mindset and Begin the Quest to Fulfillment, ” has a different take. So I chatted with her about her new book and how emotional intelligence can translate to true success. Maki Moussavi was like a lot of high achievers out there. But no matter what she did, nothing felt ...More Info

Drop The "Shoulds"

Drop the Shoulds
One time I watched a three-year-old at her birthday party. Her friends were there from preschool, and she received lots of presents. The cake came out, she admired the pink frosting rose at its center, and everyone sang. One of the moms cut pieces and without thinking sliced right through the rose – a disaster for this little girl. "I shoulda had the rose!" she yelled. "I shoulda shoulda SHOULDA had the rose!" Nothing could ...
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The One Attribute Leaders Need to Thrive

What Leaders Need to Thrive Recently I participated in a survey last year about the future of leadership. There was only one question:
“What is the number one attribute that successful leaders will need to thrive in the next decade?”
I thought hard about this and many things came to mind – integrity, perseverance, grit. Each time I started to answer, I had a sneaking suspicion I was on the wrong track. After many false starts, I deleted the survey ...
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Pitching a Better Leadership Model with Mark Greenburg

Pitching better leadership In the early days of Major League Baseball, it was all about the team. A player started and ended his career with the same franchise, and fans gathered around the radio to listen to their favorite play-by-play announcer call the highlights of the game. The excitement was more about the team than the individual players. That all changed in the 1970s when statistics and analytics greatly influenced how Major League players were viewed and valued. For the first time, ...More Info

The Truth About the Stages of Grief

Helping Hands Chances are, you know about the stages of grief. The stages of grief has been around since the late 1960s, thanks to the book On Death and Dying. Grief takes place in five stages, all in a particular order. You probably know what the stages are, but let’s give you a refresher.
This one is pretty straightforward. When you hear someone is dead, you don’t believe it. “I just saw him a week ...
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Hold Wants Lightly

Hold Wants Lightly
Getting caught up in wanting – wanting both to get what's pleasant and to avoid what's unpleasant – is a major source of suffering and harm for oneself and others. First, a lot of what we want to get comes with a big price tag – such as that second cupcake, constant stimulation via TV and websites, lashing out in anger, intoxication, over–working, or manipulating others to get approval or love. On a larger scale, ...
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How to Really Listen to Employees

How to Really Listen to Employees Can you tell when someone's listening intently? I can. They're actively engaged, making eye contact, and fully taking in my comments, not thinking about the next thing they're going to say. I know I'm being seen and heard, and the listener respects what I have to say. Employees want to experience the same thing – to be seen, heard, and recognized for their input. Recent  HBR research  demonstrates that experiencing high–quality listening can ...More Info

The Good, the Bad, and the Stressful

Good_Bad_and Stressful Stress is an emotion that we experience a lot, especially in today's world. We don't seem to have enough time to do everything we need to do. We have lots of tasks, and no plan to pursue them. We may feel worry about what we cannot control. In short, there are many reasons why stress is a challenge. Stress is seen as negative. If there was a button that claimed to destroy all stress, most of us would drop kick it. However, stress can be good ...More Info
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